Title:Wet walk in winter woods - 2 layer version
Date:Jun 2024
Original Size: 125x60
Notes: Inspired by winter walks in woods/forestry areas. The original version was designed to hang in front of a long mirror in our bathroom. Background woven on a scarf loom, using a specially dyed warp and a variety of wefts, then felted and machine embroidered. Foreground trees woven on an inkle loom, using a variety of yarns from stash, manipulated by reducing the warps and braiding/twisting spare warp ends, adding in extra yarns where needed. Roots finished by braiding using bobbin lace techniques. Having taken the first version for exhibition, I decided that if it wasn't going to be hung in front of a mirror, it needed a second layer behind the foreground - so this has now been added.
Groups: Textile pictures and exhibition entries
Exhibited At: Association of Guilds of Weavers Spinners and Dyers National Exhibition 2024
Hay on Wye
Original Artwork: Not available
Prints Available For: £0.0
Cards: £2.0
Postcards: £0.5